Children and teens

Metal braces

Most appropriate for children and teens and can be used to treat a wide variety of complex dental issues.
These offer fast treatment are easy to clean and can be customised with different colour elastics around the individual brackets.

The brackets we use are very small, less obtrusive and make the experience of having the braces more comfortable.

Growth of children and Teens

Orthopedic or Functional appliances.
On a growing teen there is the capacity mostly during growth spurt to encourage the lower jaw forward in patients with typically their chin appearing set back. They can mostly ’bring out’ any potential for growth of the lower jaw particularly in the short term. Simply placing train track braces is usually insufficient as fixed braces (train tracks) are designed primarily to straighten teeth

 Growth on children allows one to expand the upper arch to correct crossbites,

to correct skeletal class III problems are mostly effective during pre-growth spurt.

Working Hours

Monday – Friday 09:00-18:30,
Saturday and Sunday – CLOSED 

Contact Us

  +357 25587878

Str. Omirou 38, 3095, Limassol |
B6 Athinon, Paphos, Cyprus

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